Saturday, July 4, 2015


I also Interviewed David Adams, going into first grade. He was kind of shy so a lot of his responses were physical unless he had more to say.

Q: How do you feel about being in school with lots of people in class? Is it kind of crazy?

A: Nodded yes

Q: Have you ever known someone at school that has made you angry or annoyed?

A: No.

Q: Have you known someone that is different than you? Does things differently?

A: Shook his head.

Q: Have you ever seen someone be mean to someone else?

A: Shook his head.

Q: What would you do if you were at school and someone was saying to someone else that they looked ugly and fat? Would you say something or would you just kind of sit there?

A: I don't know...

Q: Do you think we should say mean things to other people?

A: Shook his head.

Q: How does it make you feel when someone is making you annoyed or frustrated?

A: Like I want to forgive them...

Q: When you're upset or having a bad day have you ever said something that wasn't nice that you didn't mean?

A: Shakes his head. I don't know...

Q: Have you ever heard someone say something that isn't true about someone else?

A: Shrugs

Q: Have you ever told lies about someone else?

A: Shakes head.

Q: Why is important to be nice to other people?

A: So that I can live with Heavenly Father again.

Q: What if you were sitting next to someone at school and they started to hit the person next to them? Would you try to stop them?

A: Yeah...

Q: What is a bully?

A: Someone that does mean things to other people.

Q: Do you think that sometimes people are bullies and they don't realize they're bullies?

A: Nods head yes.

Q: Do you think that if more kids thought about what they said before they did it that we'd have less bullies?

A: Nods head yes.

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