Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Dreaded Scale

Yesterday I had to work on some homework on campus so Matt and I worked out at the gym. We rode the bike first, me for 2 miles, him 2.5 and then did some arm exercises. I know, a lame, short workout but I had a big headache (still do).

While there, I went to weigh myself and see how I have improved. I haven't. Matt has lost a few pounds but I seemed to gain his lost weight.
It was really discouraging to see that I wasn't improving even though I have been eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. I took it really hard. My dear husband just kept telling me that it's okay, we just need to continue to stay focused, keep our good health habits going, and even improve on them further.

I have been trying desperately to drink less soda. I was doing better at first but have been slipping back to having more (maybe that's why my head has been pounding). He suggest we only have ONE soda on Sundays and that we add doing crunches and other exercises after we run. I really hope to see improvement of any kind. Being healthy is not always easy, I am just having to remind myself constantly that it's worth it and to not give up! Ask myself, why are you running in the first place? What do you want to accomplish?
I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and to be better than my weaknesses. I can only accomplish this by continuing to do the same things I have been doing and keep my eye on the end goal instead of the bumps along the way.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Yesterday Matt and I went camping instead of running. It was our first time camping together and quite frankly, the first time in a very long time since I had been. We made foil dinners and smores, it was a good ol' time.

There is something about camping that hits me in a tender place. The way it feels being in nature without a lot of modern things, under the stars, the way the campfire smells and feels, it's all so near and dear to me. (Though the bugs aren't!)

It was really nice to sit around the fire and tell old camping stories. I'm pretty sure I got marshmallow in my hair, Justin got it all over his hands and Paul just got it in his belly.

The stars were beautiful and brilliant, you could hear ducks and geese and other animals occasionally, and we still smell like campfire a.k.a. smoke. We will definitely be camping more this summer (preferably when it's warmer at night). I do love camping under the stars (we camped in a tent) but I have only done it once during pioneer trek. It was a new sensation waking up when the sun was full face, dealing with the rain when it came, hearing the wolves howl near by, now that is true blue camping.

But this is Idaho where it snows in June, so I guess for now I will stick to the tent and by the way, husbands are the best camping buddies, especially mine.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Nature Girl

Today was a beautiful, warm day, lots of people were walking/biking/running on the green way. When we reached our spot I took off my shoes and stood in the river. Granted the water was extremely cold but it was so nice and peaceful. We both tried skipping rocks and just took a moment to take in the beauty around us. 

Our run took a toll on my body today, my legs were really sore after but my abs were also burning in a good way which means progress! Yay! It is so exciting to see my body reacting well to the exercise and it's really exciting that the weather is getting warmer and nicer. I love Idaho, especially in the spring and summer. I am definitely going camping soon! 

Today when I pushed myself through the really hard parts of the run, it got easier to go farther. I am very pleased with the progress I am seeing. I couldn't love running by the river more. There's something so calming about being out in nature. I watch people run on the track at school and it looks so painfully dull compared to what I get to see. Plus, running on a trail gets my body prepared for my long term goal of running a 5k. 

The other day in class, some people were saying how exercise goes away with marriage. I say that is bologna! It only goes away if you let it, same as a testimony. You have to work at both to keep them around. My friend Ashley made a good observation that we will always have to take care of our bodies, there's no magic age or circumstance when we should start. I'd like to add to that by saying it's our responsibility to take care of our bodies and it should be a privilege. Learn to love yourself and taking care of you will be a breeze. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Today Matt was having a pretty bad headache so we walked to his parent's house, took their dog for a walk, and walked back home. All together a very nice outing. Sometimes some of our best conversations arise when we are exercising.

I am on track this semester and I just wanted to share how exercising has made a difference in my studies. This is my first time having an early morning class in a year and a half. I usually try to avoid them because of how often I am tempted to skip class (and how often I ended up doing so). While waking up early can be difficult, I am finding it easier to get up and stay motivated in class. I think part of it is driving to Rexburg which gives me time to wake up. Another part is I am going to bed at a better time. I definitely think exercise is one reason as well. Not only am I able to be more awake, but I feel more enlightened. I recall things easier and feel more attentive. 

I have found when I am exercising regularly and do not let myself excuse away a chance to hit the gym or run, I am more motivated to do other positive things. Spring of 2011 I got up at 6am every day to workout with my friend Michaela at 7am. We both lost weight and had a blast doing so. That semester I ended up doing Comic Frenzy for the first time. Fall of 2012 I did soccer and ended up being in the Tempest by Shakespeare with Matt this last winter semester. Now I am running and want to do some outdoor activities with Matt such as rock climbing and backpacking. It seems like my good habits tend to lead to me doing other good things I normally wouldn't have thought about doing. 

I want to set a good pattern for my children (when they end up coming around) like my dad did for me. I want to teach them the importance of eating healthy, exercising, getting good sleep, setting goals, and challenging yourself. This life is not the time to be idle, there is so much you can do! It is a shame when we pass things up for petty excuses. Get out there and make a life for yourself your children can be proud of, no matter how old you are!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Snake River

Today Matt and I had a good, solid mile and a half run. We found a place along the snake river a little past the 3/4 mile mark that is absolutely beautiful and we like to sit there for a little bit before turning back around. Today was a little bit harder but I was very glad I went. I always am, no matter how much I may dread it. We have started running in the evenings since all my classes are in the morning, one of them at 8am. 

I wanted to share with you in this blog post the beauty of the Snake River. I took some pictures on our run today.

 I am very excited for the trees to be green again. Running along the river gives me more motivation to keep going. I love watching the men fish, the geese and cranes, and just the way the water ebbs and flows.

There's definitely a huge difference to running outside rather than in the gym. While it is harder for Matt and I to run as fast or for as long of stretches due to the slants and bends in the path, we love it.
I sincerely love my life with my husband. Exercising has been huge for us. We both have our insecurities but we are able to conquer them through working out and running. If you are afraid to start exercising, don't be! You will NEVER regret getting up, going out, and taking care of your body. I know I never have. I am very proud of myself for conquering a huge fear. I always thought to myself "I am not a runner, I never will be and those who are are crazy." Well, call me crazy. It is blessing my life and I'm not about to stop.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Words of Wisdom

Since today was a cold, snowy, windy day Matt and I decided to go on a simple walk. As much as I want to get in shape again, this weather doesn't seem like it wants to help at all! But, like I said in my 15 rules to stay fit, any exercise is better than nothing and I learned how incredibly true that is when we took a day off in the middle of the week and since we took Sunday off. The day after is always really hard to get back into the swing of it, especially when the weather does not match the time of year. 

I love having my husband to run with. I don't think I would be half as motivated if it weren't for him. Since he has seen improvements in his asthma, size, sleeping patterns, and energy, he loves running as much if not more than I do. It has become something that is equally important to us both. One thing that I know from experience is a relationship feels a lot smoother when you both have a love for the same fundamental things, such as religion and health. You're both happier, argue less, have more in common to talk about, and have more similar life styles and hobbies.

I just want to take a moment and talk more about how following the word of wisdom blesses and improves my life. First, to define what it is; it is a law of health revealed by the Lord for physical and spiritual benefit of His children. (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/89?lang=eng)

 Our bodies and minds need temporal salvation. The Lord has given us a set of directions He knows will help us best achieve this. They are adapted to the weakest of any saint, so they are easily accessible to any who desires to obtain a greater stature of health. It is a principle of promise, meaning when we obey, He promises to give us the physical health we desire and need. He also gives it to us to help us avoid the evil temptations that we face in the world. Here are the laws that are in the word of wisdom:

1) If a man drinks wine or any strong drink (alcohol) it is not good for your body, neither is it good in the sight of the Lord. 

2) Strong drinks are not for the belly, but for washing or cleaning the body (He says this twice for emphasis).

3) Tobacco is not for the belly or for the body, but to be used as an herb to heal cattle and to only be used with judgement and skill.

4) We are to eat wholesome herbs (fruits, vegetables, wheat, etc) abundantly

5) God has ordained the eating of meat to be wholesome, but to be done sparingly.

6) All grain is to be used for man and all other creatures to be the staff of life.

7) The Lord again says that all grain is to be for the food of man, and also fruits.

In a later chapter of the Doctrine and Covenants, there is more commanded from God in accordance with being healthy and wise. I will add them to the words of wisdom, for they are wise things to do and fit nicely with the other laws. (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/88.124?lang=eng#123)

8) Do not be idle, laziness is not of the Lord

9) Take care of your bodies, keep them clean, it shows that you are grateful to have them and that you respect Heavenly Father

10) Stop finding fault with others around you

11) Do not sleep longer than what you need (approximately 8 hours) 

12) Go to bed early and wake up early so that your mind and body can be invigorated

13) Pray always

If we do all these things, the Lord has promised that we can run and not be weary, have strength in our bones, walk and not faint, health in our navel, they shall find that the Lord has given them great treasures of knowledge from heaven, and the destroying angel will pass over them. I know those things to be true. When I follow all these commandments, I feel enlightened and full of energy, able to concentrate and do the things I need to with more exactness. I challenge you to test it out for yourself if you aren't already. After all, what harm could gaining wisdom bring?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Little Things

Today's run ended up being in the evening and I was glad for it. We both had more endurance and were able to bump our length to 1 and 1/2 miles instead of just 1. This may have been a small increase, but it felt the world to me to pass the 3/4 mile mark on the green way before turning back around. 

I am beginning to enjoy running the more I do it. Granted it still burns, as it should (when I push myself) but the feeling I get when I can run longer, no matter how much more, is incredible. I focused more on breathing from my belly today when I noticed my ab muscles were feeling tight. I have always known about belly breathing from being in multiple choirs and theater productions, but I had never applied it to running. It is not an easy thing to do! Your body naturally wants to breath from your chest when you are short of breath. When I was able to concentrate and breath properly it helped tremendously. 

One of the things I love about running is that when I am running, I don't feel over weight at all. My feet glide me along the path, my legs shooting out farther, carrying me up and down the hills and around the bends. When I concentrate on my form instead of the pain things become quite easier, more natural and effortless. 

Matt and I went to Applebee's for dinner after running and were both shocked at our appetites. We were very hungry going into the restaurant but found we could not eat as much as we usually do. 

I love the little things that I see improve because of running; my ability to eat more correct portion sizes and remain full, being able to run farther, feeling good about running and enjoying it. I never thought I would come to love running. I knew I would get used to it, but my enjoyment was not expected though much appreciated. I can rest peacefully tonight knowing I am doing a great job.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Thursday, Matt had the day off and I know how precious sleeping in is to him so I told him we could sleep in and take a day off from running. I am beginning to regret this decision.

My body automatically woke up early, like we were going to run, so I did not enjoy sleeping in and when Matt and I went to go run this morning, I found I did not have the energy and drive to do so. We went for a long walk around the neighborhood instead (sticking with my rule that any exercise is better than none). Matt also lacked the energy he had earlier this week. We learned the hard way that taking a day off, while it sounds enjoyable, is actually working against your body.

It is interesting how normally, something like sleeping in is valued so highly until you begin to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, you find you no longer need it and trying to go back to that old habit feels unnatural. Since I had slept in and taken a nap yesterday, it was hard to go to bed early and even harder to wake up on time for a run. 

Our bodies are amazing things. They give clear signs as to when we are sick, infected, or things are being overlooked. I have gained a strong testimony of the Word of Wisdom through exercising. These things are of heaven, they are godly laws that only when followed can the truth and necessity of them be made manifest. It is after the trial of our faith that we can have the hidden treasures of heaven opened unto us. Following a commandment is never something to regret or fear, but to be anticipated with joy and excitement because when we are obedient, He will bless us with knowledge and wisdom and strength.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Today was nicer so we went back to the Green Way to run. Since we ran lighter yesterday I knew I needed to push myself today. Whenever I was running I thought to myself: "Push yourself! Come on, you can do better!" and I did. It burned but not as bad. I was still cold but my perseverance allowed me to see past that. With the winding river meandering along the trail, my husband at my side and the sun shining I enjoyed a run for the first time. 

On Facebook and Pinterest there are these "rules to stay fit." I want to post a few of my own.

#15 To be better than my weaknesses 

#14 I'm not going to let excuses get in my way

#13 The feeling you get after you have exercised 
#12 Feeling Powerful

#11 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

#10 Feeling sore is better than feeling sorry

#09 To destroy what destroys me

#08 To stop wishing and actually make it happen

#07 Any exercise is better than none

#06 Because I'm tired of starting over

#05 The other side of fear lies freedom

#04 To get rock hard abs and tight thighs and buns

#03 To be healthy

#02 So I can fit in my skinniest pair of jeans
#01 Being Comfortable in my own skin

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Persperation or Inspiration?

This morning Matt and I set out to go for a run to find that the wind was blowing harsh and cold. I read that it is good to vary the intensity and scenery of your runs so we decided to do an easier run around the neighborhood. All was well until we turned around to head back towards our apartment, for we realized the wind had been blowing to our backs and now we got to face it full on.

For those reading who do not know, I am a solid believer in the LDS faith; the true church of Christ restored on the Earth. I have never been good at reading scriptures in the morning though have always believed it to be the most important time to do so. I have found that when I follow the Words of Wisdom fully (http://www.lds.org/topics/word-of-wisdom?lang=eng for more information), I am able to follow other commandments that I had previously struggled with. It is so much easier to read the words of God in the morning before I set out for the day when I have taken the time to rise early and take care of my body.

Everyone has someone in their life that has helped inspire them, mine is my dad. He is an incredible man. He gets up at 4am every morning to work out and is in the best shape of his life while going on 50. When I was young we would go together at 5am most every morning, he would run and I would ride my bike. This, though seemingly small, helped charter the course of my life to help me want to be more fit, like my dad. In turn, this has helped my husband want to be more fit and we have both found immense joy in taking care of our bodies because of my dad's determination. 

I hope to help inspire someone who does not like to run or exercise. It's not always the easiest or most enjoyable thing but once you have done it, you'll find you were glad you did so. Being sore is better than being sorry.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Runner's Tale

I am not a runner.  I hate running, it burns and is uncomfortable. I'm typically the kind of person to go for a quick 10 minute run on a treadmill at the gym to warm up and do other things. Swimming is more my forte. 

As of late I have noticed that my pants no longer want to zip around my hips. This concerned me and I wanted to change my discomfort. I want to be happy in my own skin. My husband and I enjoy going to the gym together when our schedules line up (we got into the habit when we were engaged). With school starting next week, I will be taking morning classes and working in the afternoon-evening and he will be working all day long. The gym is so far away and the closest one is way over priced and ill equipped so I decided the only way to get to where I want to get is to go running.

We started our adventure this morning, running along the green way by the Snake River. It burned, my nose ran, my legs were cold, I didn't run the entire time, but I am not a
shamed of what I did. I did not wake up, put my pants on and sigh that they were slightly too tight. I put my pants on and felt a small victory; these pants will not defeat me. I will be better than my weaknesses.

I have always wanted to be a runner but have never had the talent for it. My short term goal is to get back to the weight I was when my husband and I were first dating. My long term goal is to run a 5k. 

But for now, I survived a mile run and that is good enough for today.