Thursday, May 28, 2015

Step 5

Ok so I had a lot of things come up last week that kept me from keeping on top of this project but here it is! I didn't have a lot of time to flesh out different concepts, I'm pretty happy with what I came up with. Someone told me it looks like a power point style that I had never heard of.

Here's the app:

And here's my video screen cast:

Mini Exhibit Step 1

So I decided to do my exhibit on bullying and have a call to action to stop bullying and issue love. My exhibit will focus on the perspective of both parties, the bully and the person being bullied. I plan to do a walk-through exhibit where you have two entrances, one for each party. While you walk through one you can see the other side but you cannot understand because you're not in that moment. I plan to use black for the person being bullied and red for the bully. At the end of the exhibit I plan to hand out white hearts with red and black text with the call to order on it. Each walk through will show case infographics about bullying from those perspectives as well as stories from both sides.

I researched basic statistics and current posters for inspiration but I will be going out and interviewing people/their parents from people who have been bullied and those who have bullied. Since I have done the R&CW conference before so I want to do more than create interesting infographics to look at, I want to create an experience. I'm very excited for this project!!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Quantify This! Steps 2 & 3

I am currently overwhelmed with my schedule so I am behind. Here is what I gone done this week for steps 2 & 3:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mapping Step 5

I finally figured out how to make a screen cast video! Yay! Here's my final images and video:

This project was a lot of fun! I learned a lot about mapping and how it can be used in a powerful way. What really makes digital mapping successful is captivating your audience. Pretty color choices and nice typography really is not enough, you need to go beyond the aesthetics and dig into the conceptual. What does your data have to say? How can you portray that in a way that is beautiful and speaks to the viewer, something they'll remember? I feel that I was able to go beyond the aesthetics and find a strong conceptual theme to utilize in the overall look, design, and layout of both of my maps. I struggled at first trying to create the spilled milk look digitally but once I sat down and attempted to create a physical version that's when things unhinged and I was able to get a good grip on this project. My link to my screen cast is listed above, enjoy!