Monday, June 16, 2014

Why I am not a Feminist

So there's been a lot of buzzing going on about the two people that are going on trial for excommunication for openly teaching false doctrine. It amazes me how people can get their priorities all wrong. First of all, what proof have these two individuals that women should and are meant to have the priesthood? Every doctrine of the church is backed up in the scriptures, whether from the Old Testament or the Doctrine and Covenants. Second of all, since when did equality mean "sameness?" Last time I checked, equality does not mean sameness, meaning everyone is treated EXACTLY the same, gets exactly the same privileges, punishments, and blessings. In fact, when we speak of equality through sameness, we're actually referring to socialism and communism. In both political parties, everyone is given the same pay, the same quality of life, and the same punishments/privileges. Now, I am not saying that the advocates for Ordain Women are socialists or communists but hear me out when I say they are not fighting for what Jesus taught which is equality through fairness. 

President Spencer W. Kimball taught that "Our roles and assignments differ. These are eternal differences - with women being given many tremendous responsibilities of motherhood and sisterhood and men being given the tremendous responsibilities of fatherhood and the priesthood - but the man is not without the woman nor the woman without the man in the Lord...Even though the eternal roles of men and women differ,...this leaves much to be done by way of parallel personal development - for both men and women." 

Notice how he said that these differences and roles are eternal, meaning they are never going to change. The Lord is never going to give women the priesthood. It is that simple! I have seen people back up those false teachers and say that they are fighting for what is right and excommunicating them isn't Christ-like. Well, let's break down excommunication.

All throughout our time in the church, we are told that we can leave at any time if we do not agree with the doctrine being taught or we cannot commit to the things asked of us. Elder M. Russell Ballard gave a talk titled "A Chance to Start Over: Church Disciplinary Councils and the Restoration of Blessings." In this talk, he addresses the issue of excommunication and formal church disciplinary action. "Members sometimes ask why Church disciplinary councils are held. The purpose is threefold: to save the souls of the transgressor, to protect the innocent, and to safeguard the Church's purity, integrity, and good name. The First Presidency has instructed that disciplinary councils must be held in cases of murder, incest, or apostasy. A disciplinary council may also be held if...the transgressor is guilty of serious deceptive practices and false representations." There you have it. When people begin to teach false doctrine, they are apostatizing against the gospel of the Lord. They clearly do not sustain their leaders and agree with doctrine that is against what the Lord has taught us. A lot of churches do not excommunicate members, ours is unique in that case but we are known for being a peculiar people so this should not come as a shock. The Ordain Women group has protested conference two years in a row. The church let them protest and still will, however, they must take action to protect the innocent and it's good name. 

Elder Ballard continues to talk about how disciplinary councils are held. He says that the member simply states what they have transgressed, how they feel about it, answers and clarification questions, and is then excused. All members involved with the council then pray about how to proceed further. The objective of the council is not retribution, but to help the member in question take the necessary steps and changes to stand clear before God. Any members excommunicated are welcomed back after they prove that they are capable of change and true repentance. Now, the two people in question have already been in disciplinary councils and are currently under probationary status, meaning this is their chance to repent of their sins and come back to the gold of God. They have not been promised they will be excommunicated, they can even be disfellowshiped which is like probation, they can go to church, pay tithing, and wear their temple garments but they cannot hold a calling, the priesthood, or a temple recommend, pray, read scriptures, sustain church leaders, or give talks/bear their testimony in church. Excommunication takes away the person's privileges as a member and must be baptized again if they want to join the church again.

Now, some people would say this isn't Christ-like, people should be free to express themselves and have doubts. They are right, everyone has the right to individual thought, questions, and doubts and they can express themselves as they like but the church also has that right. They have the right to dismiss anyone who does not represent the teachings of the gospel in truth and righteousness. Going through disciplinary councils, to me, is extremely Christ-like. They are given so many opportunities to repent and come unto Christ again. Christ always gives us a second chance. 

Now, everyone is different. Each situation is unique and requires special attention and disciplinary action. Some have argued that it is sexist for the man in this situation to be treated differently than the woman. Well guess what! They are two different people from different areas with different stake presidents. You have no idea what the spirit told them or what these people are really like. Again, bringing up equality through sameness. This does not exist in nature, equality is fair. 

In my opinion, the way these two individuals are publicizing everything is wrong. It shows just how far from the path they have wandered. If they really had a testimony of the teachings of Christ, they would know that they do not need to be so public about everything going on between them and their disciplinary leaders.

I am not a feminist because I believe in equality through fairness and because  I have a testimony of my role as a woman and that it is inherently different than that of a man. This is how Heavenly Father wanted it to be, Adam was made to preside over Eve and his children and she was to nurture and care for each child. This is the natural order of God and Heaven and always will be. I truly believe that anyone who thinks that women should get the priesthood will eventually receive some form of disciplinary action. Same with anyone to openly believes in things contrary to the teachings of the gospel. We are allowed to have doubts and questions but to say you believe one thing but you really believe something different is hypocritical and Christ will not stand for His church to be represented by liars. This whole feminist movement is only going to get worse as the second coming comes closer, we must chose a stand and fight for the right. There is no grey, only the Lord's way or Satan's way.

"Where spiritual things are concerned, as pertaining to all of the gifts of the Spirit, with reference to the receipt of revelation, the gaining of testimonies, and the seeing of visions, in all matters that pertain to godliness and holiness and which are brought to pass as a result of personal righteousness—in all these things men and women stand in a position of absolute equality before the Lord" - Elder Bruce R. McConkie